Saturday, December 6, 2014

Christmas Pajamas!!!

This year I finally got out some material I had purchased 2 years ago to make the family Christmas pajamas.  I bought red t-shirts and did the ornament design to make my life easier.  Hooray for Christmas jammies!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice Thanksgiving this year, celebrating with just us.  Our church group organized a bigger gathering the weekend before.  Leading up to Thanksgiving, I put together a "count down" that hung in our living room (the envelops).  We picked one each day and recognized something we were grateful for and did an activity.  My favorite was reading the book Stone Soup and then making "stone soup" for dinner without the stone.  We learned that live is more fun when we share with others.  We enjoyed doing the "thankful" tree too, using the trees I made for Halloween.  

Happy Thanksgiving!
There are so many things to be grateful for -- we hope to remain thankful year-round!