Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's Up With Harry?

Some might wonder what's up with little Harry since we moved to Astana.  Here are some "Harry Updates".

We started Harry on "solid" foods, which is mostly just rice cereal.  The last few times I've fed it to him, he's been gagging, so I'm moving on to more exciting foods - like an eggplant/carrot/pepper medley.  We'll see how he likes that.  Above is a picture of Harry's first time eating "food".

Jane sure likes Harry!  She likes to hold him, tickle him, and make him laugh.  Sometimes she tries to feed him like Mommy, but for some reason it doesn't work.  

A better alternative to feeding Harry is to read to him.  He likes that a lot!  Here she is reading him one of her favorites - Dear Zoo.

Harry loves rolling around the living room, seeing how far he can get.  All that movement can be exhausting though.  Not to worry!  Harry can sleep just about anywhere!  And he does.

 Harry started breaking in his first tooth.  Since you can't really see it, I've included this very handsome picture I captured while giving him an air bath.  Harry is turning into quite the charmer.


Nils Bergeson said...

Wow, Harry is sure growing! Just this morning when I saw him before leaving for work he was like half that size!

Bronwyn said...

They do grow so fast, Nils ! Enjoy them at every step of the way....there's so much to appreciate as you learn about them and they discover the world around them. It's fascinating to watch the process as these little ones go from 'not knowing' to 'knowing and understanding'.
Love, mOm