Tuesday, May 27, 2008

VAC stands for Volunteer Advisory Committee and is a group of volunteer representatives who work closely with Peace Corps staff to provide volunteer input and ideas. I was nominated, but wasn't selected as a representative. The process taught me a lot though, not only about the other members of my group who had been nominated (all of them very talented and would have done a superb job!) but also about myself. It's important to frequently evaluate why we do what we do, why we're volunteers with the Peace Corps.... what we hope to achieve and how we plan to go about achieving it. I hope that in some small way I can make a positive impact.


Anonymous said...

What is a VAC nomination? I hope you included this inspirational one.

bmillios said...

I also would like to know what a VAC nomination is.

It also bothers me that the first thing that jumps out at me is "Easy Emily".

I'm just saying.

Rachel Greco said...

Hey Emily,
I found out that there's a family in our ward that is on a mission in Romania named Barry and Brenda Jessee. Let me know if you have seen or heard of them. I heard they're in brasov. -Rachel

Megan said...

This looks great! And again, what is a VAC nomination?

Unknown said...

It looks good!! :) I love your motto! *winks* Hope you get the seat in the VAC.

Bronwyn said...

I really liked the pictures on Emily's VAC-BIO page including the quotes and Emily's prose. It was all uplifting. I wish it didn't take so long to reach understanding among people. Our American push for independence and our tendency to focus on our own separate goals creates difficulty. There are times to put the group first and times for the individual's needs. Understanding creates that balance of knowing when is the right time for which.

midoriliem said...

I was sorry to hear that you didn't get the nomination, Emily. I voted for you- in fact, I would have voted you in for most of the committees.