Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fishing Trip Oct 4th, 2008

Sorina and Marian are some of the best people to go fishing with! They not only know all the sites, but know how to enjoy the countryside to the fullest!
But to get there... we need to take a ferry...


And coming back....

The day was filled with a lot of fun things!

Beautiful Scenery

My first fish! (my brother Rory would be so proud!)

A "bomb" to catch fish when all hope is lost (packed with mamaliga)

And amazing food brought to you by Sorina, Marian, and Cynthia


Emily said...

"Mamaliga" (mama-lee-gah)is basically boiled corn-mash. This particular bomb also contained vanilla to attract the fish. Within the bomb is a whole mess of hooks. Unfortunately, we didn't end up catching any using this method. :)

Rana said...

Wow I was wondering about the Mamaliga! Gross!

The scenery IS BEe-U-tiful!

Is Rory a big fisher?

Emily said...

Funny thing about mamaliga... it's actually a Romanian national dish which they are very proud of. Who would have guessed it could attract fish.

Yeah, Rory is a BIG fisherman. I would get so bored after like 30 minutes of waiting... and would soon be off playing. Rory on the other hand, he has eternal patience. 4 hours one time for just one fish!

bmillios said...

I was also puzzled by mamaliga ... found it on Wikipedia:

It's better known by its Italian name: polenta.

Having said that, I have never heard of going fishing with it. I'm guessing that Romanian fish do not share the national pride in the dish.