Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yummy Nectarine...

We haven't started Jane on any foods per se, but she has started grabbing at things. She almost nabbed a cookie out of Nils' hand as he was enjoying a simple desert after dinner. Fortunately he had something else to tempt her with since he hadn't finished his vegetables and instead he handed her a cooked stalk of asparagus to munch on. As I entered the dining room from the kitchen I was quite surprised to find Jane happily munching on the asparagus stalk! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture.

Luckily, a few days later, Nils found himself in a similar position. This time he was enjoying a nectarine so when she reached for it he let her take a few bites and taste it for herself. I remembered the camera this time....

1 comment:

nora.lakehurst said...

She is sooooooooooooooooo cute! SO CUTE! I cant wait for more pics.