Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is my lipstick on straight?

No, not exactly honey....


Toby O said...

Ok I'll say it ...

Why so serious?

Emily said...

Ha! I didn't think of that one... but she does look like the Joker!

Sharole said...

Makes me think of my other neice Skye. She did herself and the back seat of the car.

Might need to keep things out of reach for her from now on. Were you able to get it out of her t-shirt?

I just had to move our vitamins. William got into the Vitamin C's and ate like 10. He then had some serious diarrhera, thankfully not vomiting (since Toby wasn't around). They now have a new location.

Thankfully it wasn't the multivitamin, that would have been bad.

Glad you got some shots to show her when her kids go and do it also :)

Unknown said...

She looks so funny!!

Andrea said...

That is too funny. So great that you got pictures. Congrats on the second little on the way!

Patrick's blog said...

That's so cute.