Friday, August 31, 2018

What's New with Us

It has been quite a while since I've posted.  I've been managing another blog, as many of you already know, Nils started a new job working for a new political party - United Utah.  It's been a fun adventure so far and, for me at least, feels a lot like all the start-up companies I've worked for. Everything starts from scratch and you gotta do a bunch of stuff yourself.

We're back in Utah, still slowly getting settled in and not yet fully unpacked.  But the kids have started school and are happy to have made friend with neighborhood kids.

In other news, I discovered I had breast cancer at the beginning of the year and made it through three surgeries getting it removed and making everything look normal. I feel so grateful for the many, many people who have researched cancer. Because of all the information available they were able to pinpoint the type of breast cancer I had, and I was able to avoid radiation and chemo.

We've been involved in several parades this summer, helping spread the word about the new political party.  They kids have been great tagging along and eating their fill of candy.  In one parade Jane and I got to stand on the float as superheros.  That was a lot of fun!

Hopefully life is treating all of you well and that you are finding joy and fulfillment in whatever you're doing!

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