Monday, July 12, 2010

All You Had to Do Was Ask

So this weekend Nils mildly complained that I don't bathe Janey enough. I had planned into my day today a time when I would give her that much needed bath. This morning, we got up early, read some words of wisdom; I made Nils breakfast and lunch; I did the dishes and put them away. I was earning points right and left by my estimation. So, having done such a great job in the first few hours of the day, I decided that I deserved to lay back down in my nice warm bed. Janey needed to eat anyway, and why not sit back and relax? She finished eating and was fussing a little. I figured she just wanted to practice using her voice. Being new to talking to infants, I didn't realize she was saying, "Hey lady. What about that bath?"

Still unaware and lacking an interpreter, I decided that perhaps I could conk her out with a little more milk. I gave her more. She obliged but once filled she continued to vocalize. Of course, I still thought she was just practicing for a day when I could understand her.

As any mother does, I went through her basic needs as she continued to make her presence known and I continued to lazily enjoy the warmth of my bed. I had fed her, so she wasn't hungry. Ah... I needed to change her diaper. But it could wait a few more minutes, right? I decided to put it off for a few more minutes. She continued to vocalize and I eventually decided to at least check if she was wet. My hand met a big patch of wet on her pajamas. I sat up and examined the area to find it wasn't just wet, it was poopy. *Sigh. I had waited too long. Blow out. Taking a rag and placing it under her, I started to examine the damage. Uh, eww... Blow out indeed. Lots of poop out of the diaper and all over her leg. Accepting the consequences, I started to clean it up. The thought occurred to me that now might be a good time to give her that bath I'd been meaning to give her. "Nah," I thought. "I'll do that later this afternoon." I continued to wipe and clean. Suddenly Jane started to cough and gag. I stopped what I was doing and focused on her, making sure she was okay. "Janey, you're okay." I soothed. "You're O...NO!" As she coughed she proceeded to bring up everything I had just fed her and then some. Curdled milk coated her arms and neck. I started laughing. Bath time it is then. Serves me right for making her go to such lengths to get one. Here's what the mess looked like...
Take note of the poop I had been in the process of cleaning and the milk curds that now covered her. You can't see the actual volume of what came out since most of it slopped over the sides of her face, arms and all over our bed.

Okay, okay... I got to work warming up her water and right then and there gave her a bath. Jane looked quite satisfied with the result.

Totally worth it. :)


nora.lakehurst said...

LOL. I have done that before. Youre doing a great job! Keep it up mom.

Unknown said...

FUN! :) Thanks for the story. Janey is so cute!

Arly said...

Oh, yeah, been there, done that!

Janet said...

SOOOO reminds me of someone, but I can't recall HIS name. :P

Toby said...

1st picture: Why did we let that thing in the house again?

2nd picture: Oh, now I remember.

Sarah said...

So cute! She does look very pleased with herself in the last picture. :-)

Unknown said...

Blowout! Haha! Parenthood is awesome!