Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumn Stroll

I'm getting so excited for Autumn!  The crisp cool air, the changing colors, and evening strolls at the park across the street.  
A picture of the mosque from the park.

Jane posing in front of the pyramid.

Emily and Jane in front of the presidential palace.

Nils and Harry on the canal walk.


Toby O said...

Ever notice how there's never anyone around? It's a bit like Canberra. Nicely built, but still so new that there's not a lot of people.

Sarah said...

Wow! How are you guys doing over there? What time do you catch conference there? Sure miss you! Those pictures are pretty cool. And I can't believe how big Jane has gotten! Harry is so cute!!

Patrick's blog said...

You guys always look great in pictures! :)

Sharole said...

I love the garden, with all the pretty colours. It does look a tad destitute, but then you are probably trying to avoid other people in the pictures. And Canberra has lots of people Toby, you've been there twice and think your the authority.

Looks like Jane's hair is starting to thicken up, cute picture of her.

So question? Do you look native there like you did in Columbia?

Looks like a nice place to visit if only I had a spare wad of money I could use that guest room of yours, oh and ditch the kids :)